Marketing Agency EC

“Meatballs and Mashed Potatoes” November

“Meatballs and Mashed Potatoes”: within six months daily food rations of an average St. Petersburg citizen became 5.5% less expensive.

Let us remind you that this project is conducted to fix retail prices for 30 types of products every quarter. The cheapest products in the minimal packings are chosen (without counting by kilo). The composition of the basket is the same every time. These are the ingredients for a presumable daily ration.

The ration includes the following:

breakfast (porridge with milk, apple, bread and butter and cheese, coffee with milk, and a half of an orange)

lunch (fresh vegetable salad, borsch, pork meatball with mashed potatoes, tea, bread)

dinner (“Olivier” salad, fried chicken with pasta, tea, bread)

All together there are 31 products.

Findings of the study conducted in five shops (well-known federal and local networks) of St. Petersburg the average price of a daily ration for one person is 329.86 RUB, which is 12.59 RUB more expensive than in September (317.27 RUB).
2024-09-30 15:06 Our research News